3 Things That Can Cause Your AC To Stop Keeping You Cool

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The last annoyance you need is an air conditioner that can't keep you cool in the summer. If your AC suddenly stops cooling your house, you want to identify the problem quickly so you aren't hot and miserable. Check the filter first, and if it's dirty, change it and see if that fixes the problem. If not, call an AC repair service for help since a few different things can cause your AC to stop cooling down your home. Here are some of them.

1. Loss Of Refrigerant

A leak in a refrigerant line is a likely cause of cooling problems. If the refrigerant leaks out, there won't be enough in the lines to cool your house effectively. Even worse, the problem can get worse over time as more refrigerant leaks out.

The AC repair technician can verify if this is the problem by checking the pressure in the refrigerant lines. If it's low, then they have to fix the leak and then fill the refrigerant to the proper level.

2. Condenser Fan Is Bad

Sometimes the refrigerant has the proper pressure, but it still can't cool down your house. One reason for this might be a bad condenser fan. The condenser fan pulls heat away from the refrigerant coil in the condenser. You've probably noticed when you stand by the condenser and the AC kicks on that hot air blows out.

If the fan isn't working, heat builds up inside the condenser and the refrigerant can't cool down as well. That means the refrigerant won't be as cold when it circles back in your house, so less heat will be removed from your home.

The AC repair technician can troubleshoot this problem to figure out why the fan isn't working. The problem might be a bad fan motor, jammed fan blade, or a bad capacitor. If these parts are faulty, they can be replaced.

3. The Airflow Is Restricted

Your air conditioner needs air circulating through it to work properly. If weeds grow against the condenser outside, or if the fins on the side of the condenser get smashed, airflow is restricted. If problems with airflow are bad enough, your AC can overheat and shut itself down. Your AC might run and not be able to keep your house cool.

Either way, restricted airflow is a problem for your AC and the problem should be fixed before damage is done to parts in the condenser. An AC repair technician may need to check the condenser, air handler, and your registers to find areas that have problems with blocked airflow.
